What TEDx Sydney 2019 taught me?

I have watched a large amount of TED talks online, got carried away by many, applied some of them in my life and benefitted out of a few. But what really moved me in all of those was how they shape up ideas, and inspire thoughts. Not a surprise, given that is what these 6-minute timed talks are supposed to do.

This exactly was my expectation as I invested my time and money to attend TEDx Sydney this year, where I could have a first-hand experience of what it all feels like in the real life. I must say that it was well worth the effort, which turned out to be a day that challenged my thoughts, pushed me out of my comfort zone, inspired to reimagine and refocus my actions, and even got me tasting my first ever Liquid Nitrogen ice-cream created by Sydney University’s researchers (!); and making a fragrance of my own based on my values!

The theme for the year – which happens to be the 10th year of TEDx- Sydney – was legacy. However, as the day unfolded, it was clear as to what the curators clearly believed were important in terms of the topic. These were three in number. The digital legacy in terms of digital footprints, intrusion into privacy and information explosion; the legacy that Australians that are privileged to lead a normal, routine life leaves on the helpless refugees; and the legacy of waste that all of the world is leaving for the future generations.

As discussions around the storytelling power of data is gaining momentum, it was spot on to discuss about how data doesn’t stand by itself.  However, as it gets converted into information and knowledge and further shapes up the wisdom of humans, data becomes an immensely significant element in our lives. It was shocking to learn that 80% of the data in the cyberspace has only been created in the last 2 years! And it really helped to connect the dots when Craig Costello, the cryptographer’s talk on intrusion of privacy into our personal computers and cell phones to steal this data is expected any moment once the quantum computers take the centre stage. He had the good will of five thousand of us audience, when he said that professionals like him around the world are trying hard to halt the quantum computers trying to break into the encryptions of data!

“I sometimes had the privilege of living with an income”, said Behrouz Boochani, the highly awarded Australian writer, on his video from the prison in Manus Island when he talked about his life. Imprisoned for the last 6 years in Manus Island, this Iranian-Kurdish journalist had immensely touching stories to tell about the fellow prisoners, who moved from a small prisons in their birth countries to a ‘bigger’ prison in Manus Island, a small island near Papua New Guinea. Aligning with this was a talk by Hidayat , a refugee from Indonesia, who explored different religious beliefs as well as multicultural soccer teams in his first years in Australia as a refugee, as part of his efforts to connect with people of different religions and cultures. It was with great admiration that the audience listened to the story of him setting up a social enterprise of a tiling factory (!) to employ refugees and pay them the appropriate salary and superannuation. The question he left behind was whether at least a few of the audience would help some of the refugees build up a life in Australia.

Then came the conversations on waste. This, and the topic of sustainability was ever prevalent; well beyond the talks. A few moving documentaries were showed on the topic, and a think tank was set up in the interactive space – aptly called ‘the hub’ – where experts discussed the topic, and audiences could ask questions. Right from implementing a thoughtful waste disposing system, to using biodegradable lunch packs, to cutting out plastic usage in the hub, to using organic, local produce for food and partnering with socially responsible local food outlets for food tasting – there were an array of efforts; all quite impressive. A talk by Kim Graham-Nye, on how disposable diapers are taking on the world, one at a time was an eye-opener. Given a nappy takes about 500 years to degrade, she reminded us of the fact that not even the first nappy that was used by the mankind would have degraded!

Across 17 speakers, 7 performers and 7 short films, there definitely was something for everyone. And the day touched, moved, inspired and motivated us audience, as we lived though the extraordinary journeys of ordinary people – to take away spark of ideas that give us the power to bring about small changes in our lives, which collectively will remodel the ways we all think, and live. 

 A little film and accompanying stage performance on the life of ibises, which thrive on scrap food and competing with little children for their picnic snacks was touching. Another mocumentary on what legacy honey bees leave for us, and what humans leave for them instead; and another one on how ocean is so full of with the plastic waste  – all were quite thought-provoking!

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